• Next bootcamps: May 13-15 & August 19-21, 2025. Register here •
“Hugely inspirational and definitely the most productive workshop I have attended. I particularly liked all the nice tricks for actually getting writing done when sitting down to write. Warmly recommended for PhD students and supervisors alike.”
Öivind Andersson, Professor & Head of Department, Energy Sciences, Lund University
The Write Concept
It takes a whole person to write well. A person with feelings, mental state, body and mind. The write concept targets all these aspects. And we make it simple: You learn 6 basic writing tools that together support a good writing practice - also when you return to your office.
We promise you will get a lot of writing done at this intensive 3-day writing event! You will work on your own text, experiment with new writing tools and reflect on your process. The program and surroundings are designed to support your energy and focus.
Tailored Workshops
Workshops or bootcamps can be tailored specifically for your research group or PhD school so that it fits your schedule and at a venue of your choice. The experience of ‘writing together’ with colleagues enhances a productive writing culture and participants get new insights into their colleagues' work. It can also be a way to combine a social event with meaningful work.
There is no ‘one fits all’ solution when it comes to writing. In individual coaching your challenges are in focus and you create your own unique and sustainable writing practice. The typical coaching course is 3-8 sessions and it is carried out under confidentiality.
"Before the course I had quite big problems with writing and hours could pass by where I felt that I didn’t produce enough – and not least, it was not very comfortable […] Today everything is different – I actually produce a lot of text on a daily basis, but the feelings connected to writing are also different. I AM a writer now – I didn’t consider myself to be a writer earlier."
Rosita, PhD student
How Vanessa benefitted the Write Concept Bootcamp
Our customers
About us
Mirjam Godskesen
I work as an independent researcher, consultant and coach with affiliation to Aalborg University. My main work areas are PhD coaching, education of PhD supervisors and education for project managers. Beside my teaching and consultancy activities I am an active researcher and writer.
Jens Larsen
I have written and co-written eight books and I teach writing. Besides writing and teaching I work with change projects, coaching and storytelling in organizations mainly in the education world. I am founder of the consultant firm Old Friends Industries.