The concept comprises six writing tools and four basic requirements that support you in creating a productive and joyful writing practice. You can read more about the six tools in the toolbox that you can download for free (see below).
Writing Snacks
Writing Goals
Rhetorical Reading
Phases of writing
“I loved the focus on the body (physical & mental strength) and the very hands-on tools for structuring a calm writing environment.”
- Alexandra Lindek, Design School Kolding
Basic requirements
Physical and mental strength
Writing is not only a cognitive activity. Walking, yoga, exercise, meditation, sleep and healthy food support concentration and endurance.
Find your passion
If the “Why” is clear it motivates. By keeping focus on things that you are passionate about (music, sports, clouds, art…) it can inspire you to become more passionate about your writing.
Conquer time and space
Time must never work as an excuse for not writing. Our philosophy is that there is not one way to organize time and space for writing. Each writer must find a unique way, but we provide an array of ideas and tools to help you develop your own writing strategy.
Write together
Either on your own text or on collaborative projects. There is so much power to be found in sharing experiences, working in a shared space or directly writing articles together.
More than 300 researchers have attended our camps since 2016. On a scale from 1 to 5 where 5 is ‘very useful’ the average score is 4,9. Some people even give us a 6!! But the most important thing is that the concept has a potential to change participants' writing practice in the long run. We believe that it is because the tools are so simple to implement.
Based on a 2-year development project
The write concept was developed through a project funded by The Danish Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector carried out in 2014-2016.
48 researchers at all stages of their careers participated in 10 workshop days and we experienced that academics can gain both efficiency and more passion in writing by implementing basic writing approaches and tools.
About us
Mirjam Godskesen
I work as an independent researcher, consultant and coach with affiliation to Aalborg University. My main work areas are PhD coaching, education of PhD supervisors and education for project managers. Beside my teaching and consultancy activities I am an active researcher and writer.
Jens Larsen
I have written and co-written eight books and I teach writing. Besides writing and teaching I work with change projects, coaching and storytelling in organizations mainly in the education world. I am founder of the consultant firm Old Friends Industries.